
self care

Have an amazing year by reviewing the past

Dec Blog

As the year draws to a close, I always set aside time to reflect on my achievements, challenges, and growth over the past year. Looking back provides valuable insights and serves as my foundation for planning and setting goals for the year ahead. I want to share key steps that women leaders can take to effectively evaluate their progress and create a roadmap for future success.

A great way to start is by celebrating your achievements from the past year. Take stock of the goals you set and asses…

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The Stress Is Real: How your feminine strengths help reduce your stress and create calm in dealing with upset

Nov blog banner simplero

In a fast-paced, ever-evolving world, leadership roles can be immensely challenging and demanding. Regardless of your gender, all leaders face high-pressure situations, unexpected obstacles, and sometimes overwhelming responsibilities. Women have the advantage here as they have usually faced overwhelming responsibilities through their lives. Women are leading even before they are in positions of leadership. Let’s delve into how female leaders, and future leaders, excel at handling stress, showca…

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