
Goal Setting

Have an amazing year by reviewing the past

Dec Blog

As the year draws to a close, I always set aside time to reflect on my achievements, challenges, and growth over the past year. Looking back provides valuable insights and serves as my foundation for planning and setting goals for the year ahead. I want to share key steps that women leaders can take to effectively evaluate their progress and create a roadmap for future success.

A great way to start is by celebrating your achievements from the past year. Take stock of the goals you set and asses…

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What to do When You Don't Get the Promotion: Strategies for Moving Forward

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You just got the news: you didn’t get the promotion. You’re disappointed. You’re upset. In fact, you’re pretty pissed off and even a bit humiliated. You put in the work and time but for one reason or another you didn’t get it. So, what now?

Go Through It

First, acknowledge the disappointment. You’re emotional response is valid so give yourself the proper time to deal with it. Eat the pint of ice cream. Watch the sappy comfort movie (mine is Blindside). Call your best friend and talk it out. …

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Wrap Up the Year and Map Out Your Future

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When December rolls around every year, we tend to ask “how is the year already almost over?” Then we have to finish up projects at work, do magic-making holiday activities for our kids, office parties, family dinners, and all the other merrymaking things that come in between. Before we know it, it’s January and we’re back in the office starting our Q1 without having had a moment to take reflect and plan the new year.

Reviewing the past year and planning for the new one is an important part of un…

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